I haven't figured out how to do a fade from one image to the next. (this is NOT in the file) # sleep for a few seconds to give the USB drive a change to mount before running the slideshow sleep 5 feh -Y -x -q -D 5 -B black -F -Z /media/pi/0D18-4F37/ (this is NOT in the file) I then edit the 'autostart' file in /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi by adding this line at the end to execute the above script: startup.sh This does the trick. You need to specify in the advanced options of xscreensaver-demo the folder that contains your photos. For auto-starting I create a shell script on the desktop called startup.sh. In the ScreenSaver preferences GUI under the 'Mode' drop-down menu I simply select 'Disable Screen Saver'. The feature is available on both Windows 11 and Windows 10. The screen blanking problem was the easiest. GOOGLE PHOTOS SCREENSAVER LINUX HOW TO GOOGLE PHOTOS SCREENSAVER LINUX HOW TO Using custom versions of these files is getting easier in macOS Big Sur and we can show you how to easily set them for your desktop. I'd like it to do a dissolve/fade from one image to the next.
I wanted it to auto-start with no need for keyboard and mouse. Great instructable - thanks! There were three changes I really wanted to make, and I've sorted two of them out so far.